This image (click through for full-size original) was taken with a cell-phone camera.
It was divided into overlapping tiles of 400x400 pixels and fed into the NNC trained for { kangaroos, sheep, unknown }.
The results for each tile are shown below.
There are many pictures - it make take some time to load in your browser, and many of the images are clearly just sky or close grass.
The percentage given is the neural net's confidence that it sees a kangaroo in the image.
{kangaroo, sheep, unknown}
This seemed a good idea at the time (because we need to differentiate between kangaroos and sheep, because we want to leave the sheep alone, and just approach the kangaroos), but on reflection probably wasn't that smart.
Some of the results below might reflect the NNC thinking it saw a sheep in the background.For those thinking of doing the same thing - some notes on tiling the original image.
It works.
A few points