Because ever since I was little I wanted a remote-controlled battery-operated toy car. And now I have one!
Well, putting your money down and getting Tesla to deliver a Model 3 should be easy, but any married man knows that no plan survives contact with a credit card. A few days after placing my Tesla order my credit card was declined at the local coffee shop, I checked my bank account and realised I had ordered two Teslas one second apart! I asked the wife if she wanted one, but she said no (it wasn't red), so I thought I'd better cancel one of them and get my deposit back. Tesla were very helpful in this regard, and refunded my deposit. Conclusion:
- Tesla owners are not necessarily smart enough to avoid pressing the browser back button when making a purchase.
- Tesla is not smart enough to realise this.
The Tesla came with three power charges (at no extra expense).
It's a car. It goes. It's nice and quiet. And comfortable.
The auto-drive is a cool piece of technology. It is not even close to replacing a real driver, but reduces driver fatigue on long highway trips, and is a source of great amusement when deliberately placed in challenging situations (with an alert driver ready to take control). The Tesla motto should be "carpe rotam!"
The car also accelerates quickly. Those noisy little petrol sniffers revving their cars at the lights have to put with the fact that I could drag them off without even making a sound .. if I could be bothered.
But some serious advice: don't buy anything you can't afford. Real-estate and superannuation are better investments than a car. It's not that special. It's just car. If you are really interested in experimenting with self-driving cars, get a autopilot fitted to your 20 year old beater, or get an ODB-II dongle and a movidious, and write the software yourself.
I have no mouth but I Musk scream!