======================== RTKLIB and RASPBERRY PIs ======================== This directory contains all the information required to get RTKLIB working on two Raspberry Pis (ie a base station and a rover). It simply documents what has worked for me so far. I have really just fumbled through and found combinations which work for me. I suggest going to http://rtkexplorer.com and https://rtklibexplorer.wordpress.com for real knowledge of how to make these things work. PROCEDURE.txt - Start here - it is a procedure to follow to get system working on rover and base RPis. rtkrcv - rtkrcv executable for RPis. rtkrcv.conf - Configuration file read by rtkrcv on startup (this requires some manual configuration) rtkrcv.service - Systemd file to start rtkrcv on startup (on the rover). str2str - str2str executable for RPis. str2str.service.BASE - Systemd file to start str2str on startup (on both the base). str2str.service.ROVER - Systemd file to start str2str on startup (on both the rover). UBLOX_CMD_GUIDE.txt - Notes on the startup (and shutdown) commands used for the UBLOX devices. ubx_m8t_glo_raw_1hz.cmd - Configuration file for UBLOX. UNRESOLVED_ISSUES.txt - Issues still unresolved. 20170219.all.rtk - one hour of rtk solutions from stationary rover, with 5 minutes 'warm up' data removed, with str2str parameter: -msg "1002,1006,1013,1019,1004,1008,1010,1020,1033,1005,1012" 20170219.some.rtk - one hour of rtk solutions from stationary rover, with 5 minutes 'warm up' data removed, with str2str parameter: -msg "1002,1006,1013,1019" 20170219.moveAndStop.rtk - data from a rover which was moved, and then stopped for 8 minutes.